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Social Media Marketing Course In Kolkata

Social Media Marketing Course In Kolkata
W3webschool – Digital Marketing Course Training in Kolkata is the best training institute for learning Social Media Marketing(SMM) Courses. We provide hands-on training in SMM Course.

What is Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the internet marketing techniques where we use social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your business brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. It helps to publish your website content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements. Most people use the famous social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube.

Our Office is based in KOLKATA – WEST BENGAL in INDIA, we are in this training procedure from a prolonged period of time, we offer a variety of courses related to WEB & Internet both in the offline and online process. The essence of our training programme can be seen from our work of web designing and hosting which have been done by the students and professional of our team. One can go and check our work on our website: W3webschool We believe in responsive work. Students and learners after the completion of the course from W3WEBSCHOOL will get placement assistance and chance to work in live projects, which will make them savvy and will broaden their horizon in the technical aspect from our human resource cell. We want our students to believe in the application of knowledge.

How to make your Social Media Marketing Successful?

#1 Strategy

#2 Planning and Publishing

#3 Listening and Engagement

#4 Analytics

#5 Advertising

Social Media Marketing Syllabus

Introduction about Social Media

  • What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?
  • What is Social Media Optimization (SMO)?
  • What is Social Media Statistics?
  • Why use Social Media Marketing?
  • What are the Benefits of Social Media?
  • How to Build a Social Media Strategy?
  • What is Social media marketing objectives?
  • How big brands use SMM?
  • Case studies of Brands

Facebook Marketing

  • How to set up a Facebook account?
  • What is a Personal account property?
  • How to set up a Facebook business page?
  • How to do a competition analysis?
  • How to design a Facebook Cover photo?
  • How to increase Facebook Fans?
  • How to create a Facebook marketing strategy (Calendar)?
  • What is Page management options?
  • What are the Types of Posts and Statistics?
  • Give Examples of Facebook Posts.
  • What is User engagement metrics?
  • What is Facebook Insights Tools?
  • What is Facebook Groups?
  • How to create Facebook Apps?

Facebook Advertising

  • What is Facebook Advertising?
  • What is the Objective of Facebook Ads?
  • How to create Likes & Engagements Campaign?
  • How to create Clicks & Conversions Campaign?
  • What are Ad sets & Audience?
  • What is Advanced Audience Targeting?
  • How to set Bidding & Budget Settings?
  • How to Design FB ads?
  • How to do Conversion Tracking?
  • What is Remarketing Audience
  • How to create a Remarketing Campaign?
  • What is Reports Management?
  • What is a Business Manager?
  • How to set Advanced Facebook settings?

Twitter Marketing

  • What is Twitter?
  • How to Create a Twitter profile?
  • How to set twitter Profile Settings?
  • How to do Twitter graphics design?
  • What are the Types of Twitter Posts?
  • How to create a Posting Strategy for Twitter?
  • How to use Hashtags?
  • What is Trending Hashtags?
  • What is Engagement Metrics & Twitter Analytics?
  • What is Twitter Ads?
  • What are the Objectives of Twitter Ads?
  • How to Select Target Audience?
  • How to Create Ads?
  • How to set Budget & Bid Settings?
  • How to track Conversion Tracking?
  • What is Remarketing Strategy?
  • How to prepare Reports Analysis?

YouTube Marketing

  • What is Video Marketing?
  • What is the Statistics of Video Marketing?
  • How to Create a YouTube Channel?
  • How to Customize the YouTube Channel?
  • How to Create a video marketing strategy?
  • What is Viral video examples?
  • What are the Types of youtube Video Posts?
  • How to create YouTube Videos?
  • How to Rank YouTube Videos on top?
  • How to set Custom settings in videos?
  • What is YouTube Engagement Metrics?
  • How to Increase Subscribers?
  • How to set End Screens & Cards?
  • How to use Playlists?
  • How to Understand copyrights and spam?
  • What is the YouTube Creator Studio?
  • In-depth Statistics Analysis of youtube.
  • What are all the YouTube Tools & Plugins?

LinkedIn Marketing

  • What is LinkedIn?
  • What are all the Benefits of LinkedIn Network?
  • How to Create a LinkedIn profile?
  • How to Optimize the LinkedIn profile?
  • What are the Recommendations on LinkedIn?
  • How to Create new connections?
  • How to Post content in the profile?
  • What are LinkedIn Groups?
  • How to Find Jobs in Linkedin?
  • How to Create a LinkedIn company page?
  • How to Customize the LinkedIn page?
  • How to Post in LinkedIn Page?
  • How to Advertise on LinkedIn?
  • What are the Types of Ad Campaign?
  • What are all the Targeting Options there?
  • How to set Bidding & Budget?
  • How to prepare Reports Analysis?

Instagram Marketing

  • What is Instagram?
  • What is Instagram statistics?
  • How to Brand the business by using Instagram?
  • How to know Popular Instagram topics?
  • How to Create an Instagram Account?
  • What is Tour of Instagram App?
  • How to know the Content strategy for Instagram?
  • What are all the Types of Content on Instagram?
  • How to design posts?
  • How to use Stories?
  • How to use Hashtags?
  • How to know Engagement Metrics?
  • What is IG TV?
  • How to use IG TV?
  • What is Instagram Ads?
  • What is the Objective of Instagram Ads?
  • How to prepare Reports & Analysis?

Pinterest Marketing

  • What is Pinterest?
  • How to Brand the business by using Pinterest?
  • How to Create a Pinterest Account?
  • How to Customize the Pinterest Profile?
  • What is Pinterest Pins Strategy?
  • What are Boards on Pinterest?
  • How to Create Pins?
  • What are all the Pinterest Plugins there?
  • What is Custom Dimensions?
  • How to Generate Engagements?
  • How to Use InfoGraphics?
  • How to Integrate Pinterest in Site?
  • What is Engagement Metrics for Pins?
  • What is Pinterest Analytics?
  • What is Pinterest Ads?

Quora Marketing

  • Introduction about Quora?
  • What are the Benefits of Quora Marketing?
  • How to Create Personal Quora Account?
  • What is the Profile Setup Guidelines?
  • What is Quora Account Policies?
  • What are the Following Topics?
  • How to Follow & connect with Contacts?
  • How to Write Answers on Quora?
  • How to Engage with Users?
  • What is Quora Engagement Metrics?
  • What is Quora Analytics?
  • How to Create a Quora Business Page?
  • How to Answer questions as a business?
  • What is Quora advertising?
  • What are the Types of Quora Campaigns?
  • How to create Reports & Analysis?

SlideShare Document Marketing

  • What is Document Marketing?
  • What are the Benefits of Document Sharing?
  • How to Create a Slideshare Account?
  • What are the Types of Documents?
  • How to do Keyword Research?
  • How to Create a document?
  • How to Optimize the Document?
  • How to Generate Views & Engagement?
  • How to prepare Reports & Analysis?