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PHP /My SQL Training kolkata

OOP – Object oriented program that’s the call for every programmer today. PHP is a scripting language like HTML, JavaScript but the only difference is that it is server sided. It is called Hypertext Preprocessor by name and full form. Like other scripting language it is also used for web development purpose. It is an extensive platform for the programmers with lot of parameters and functions, till now it is one of the platforms where a programmer can get more than 256 in built functions. It is generally run with PHP processor, connected through a web server. It also use the HTML file for its source document. It can also used for debugging and programming solution to a lot of verticals them are – database abstraction, reusability, cache solution, security & authentication, XML parsing. PHP use programme code saves a lot of time and redundancy. Web sites out of PHP pages are very dynamic & vibrant looking, commercially now a days many web development project is handle under the head of this platform.


My SQL is a server query language. It a real time database software, which is used in web application. It is GUI – graphical user interface application that helps the user for its usage.  SQL is an integrated package of tables, rows, columns with a lot of command line tools; it is subjected to everybody’s preference today. It also embeds the use of pictorial and graphical version of data. It is also syntax based. Retrieving and updating of data require a lot of definite syntax, which is process through the relational behavior. MY SQL is a derivative of RDBMS – Relational Database Management System.W3 WEBSCHOOL brings a unique opportunity for the learners to broaden their horizon in this corner. We provide an excellent learning facility of PHP/My SQL to the students from different corners of the world with minimal time constraint. Students from different corners of the world with their convenient time can access this unique programme online in an affordable cost. W3WEBSCHOOL with this unique programme of linking the students to get exposed to PHP and My-SQL.

Our Office is based in KOLKATA – WESTBENGAL in INDIA, we are in this training procedure from a prolong period of time, we offer a variety of courses related to WEB & Internet both in offline and online process. The essence of our training programme can be seen from our work of web designing and hosting which have been done by the students and professional of our team. One can go and check our work in our website: http://www.w3webschool.com . We believe in responsive work. Students and learners after the completion of the course from W3WEBSCHOOL will get placement assistance and chance to work in live projects, which will make them savvy and will broaden their horizon in the technical aspect from our human resource cell. We want our students to believe in application of knowledge. For further details please go to this link:http://www.w3webschool.com/phpmysql/