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Facebook ADS Interview Question

Here are the list of Facebook Ads interview question which is been asked in most interviews. In these highly competitive digital market knowing these trick question will help you to showcase your skill in Facebook Ads.

W3webSchool is working in these digital marketing field from last 12 year so we gain expertise. So we design question and answer in depth so that you can standout.

Facebook Ads Interview question

Facebook Ads run from Facebook Ad Manager

Facebook Ad Manager and Facebook Business Manager are two separate tools offered by Facebook to manage advertising and business-related activities on the platform. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between the two:

  • Purpose:
    • Facebook Ad Manager: This tool is primarily focused on creating, managing, and analysing Facebook ads. It allows advertisers to create ad campaigns, set targeting parameters, allocate budgets, and track performance metrics.
    • Facebook Business Manager: This tool is designed for businesses to manage their Facebook assets, including ad accounts, Pages, and permissions. It’s more about organisational and collaborative control over Facebook assets.

Both Facebook and Google Ads are powerful advertising platforms, and the choice between them depends on your specific business goals, target audience, and advertising strategy. Each platform offers unique benefits. Here are some advantages of running ads on Facebook compared to Google:

  1. Audience Targeting:
  • Facebook: Facebook allows for highly granular targeting based on user demographics, interests, behaviors, and even custom audiences created from your existing customer data. This makes it excellent for reaching a specific and defined audience.
  • Google: Google focuses on intent-based targeting, primarily through keyword searches. While Google offers some audience targeting options, it’s generally not as detailed as Facebook’s demographic and interest-based targeting.
  1. Visual and Creative Ads:
  • Facebook: It’s a visual platform where you can use images, videos, and carousels to showcase your products or services. This is particularly effective for businesses with visually appealing products or those looking to build brand awareness.
  • Google: While Google Ads can include visual elements, such as image and video ads, it’s primarily text-based, which may not be as effective for businesses with highly visual products.
  1. Brand Awareness:
  • Facebook: Facebook is great for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience through storytelling and visual content. You can create content that resonates with users and builds a strong brand presence.
  • Google: Google is often more geared toward capturing users with high purchase intent, making it excellent for driving direct conversions. While it can increase brand visibility, it may not be as effective for brand building as Facebook.
  1. Ad Formats:
  • Facebook: Offers various ad formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more. You can choose the format that best suits your campaign goals.
  • Google: Offers ad formats like search ads, display ads, video ads, and app ads, but the primary focus is on text-based search ads.
  1. Remarketing:
  • Facebook: Allows for powerful remarketing options, including retargeting website visitors, app users, and custom audiences. You can create highly personalized ads for users who have interacted with your brand before.
  • Google: Also offers remarketing options, but it primarily relies on search and display networks for retargeting.
  1. Cost Control:
  • Facebook: You can set daily or lifetime budgets, and Facebook will optimize ad delivery within those constraints. It offers flexibility in budgeting.
  • Google: Uses a bidding system, and the cost per click (CPC) can be influenced by competition for keywords. Managing costs can be more complex, but it allows for precise control.
  1. Mobile Advertising:
  • Facebook: Has a substantial mobile user base, making it an ideal platform for mobile app promotion and reaching mobile users.
  • Google: Also reaches mobile users effectively, especially through mobile search ads 
  • and YouTube ads.


There are different types of objective in Facebook ads 

a)Lead Generation Objective 

b)Awareness Objective 

c)Traffic Objective 

d)Engagement Objective 

e)Sales objective 

f)App Promotion Objective.

Lead is basically contact details of our potential customers. Term of Lead is vary from organization to organization.

Lead magnet basically is free or special deal offer of a customer in an exchange of there contact details. It can be free classes, session, video, e-book, coupon etc

It is one of the most asked question in Facebook Ads interview Lead Generation Campaign is basically ad format that use to collect user date like the phone number, email address, name and others within Facebook platform.

  • Custom Audiences:
    • Customer List: You can upload a list of your existing customers’ email addresses or phone numbers to create a custom audience. Facebook will match this data with its user database and show ads to those users.
    • Website Traffic: Create a custom audience based on website visitors. You can target users who have visited specific pages, taken certain actions, or spent a specific amount of time on your website.
    • App Activity: Target users who have interacted with your mobile app, such as those who have opened the app, made in-app purchases, or achieved specific app events.
    • Engagement: Create an audience based on user engagement with your Facebook content, such as people who have interacted with your Page, watched your videos, or interacted with your events.
  • Lookalike Audiences:
    • After creating a custom audience, you can create a lookalike audience. Facebook will find users who are similar to your custom audience in terms of demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps you expand your reach to potential customers who share characteristics with your existing audience.
  • Saved Audiences:
    • You can manually define specific targeting criteria for your audience. This includes factors like age, gender, location, interests, behaviors, and more. Saved audiences are useful for targeting a specific demographic or interest group.
  • Special Ad Audiences:
    • Facebook provides special ad audiences designed to comply with specific legal and ethical requirements. These audiences are used for sensitive topics like housing, employment, and credit.
  • Dynamic Audiences:
    • Dynamic audiences are created automatically based on user interactions with your website or app. For example, you can create an audience of users who abandoned a shopping cart on your e-commerce site.
  • Offline Activity Audiences:
    • If you have offline customer data, such as in-store purchases, you can create audiences based on this data and use it for targeting.

 Lookalike Audience is a similar kind of  custom audience in terms of demographic, interest and behaviour. It helps in expanding the audience. This helps you expand your reach to potential customers who share characteristics with your existing audience.

With the name of awareness you can understand that these brands are formed for creating awareness. You can reach a large group of people and make them aware about your brand

As you cannot make people to purchase those product is not know to them  so Facebook awareness campaign help a user to know there product.

There are awareness different type of ads are:

  • Brand awareness
  • Local awareness
  • Reach

In Facebook Ads interview these question is been ask to test your knowledge. So the create way to answer these is Facebook Consideration ads are those ads which are run for those audiences who are already aware of your business. The purpose of the ads to gain interest of their audience and encourage them to visit to your website or make a small move.

It can be categorized as 

  • Page Like 
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App installed
  • Lead generation
  • Video views
  • lead generation
  • Message ads 

As per Facebook Suggestion Facebook video ad length should be between 15s to 30 s length in that time you need to grab the  attention of  any audience. Like every other platform Facebook also promotes video so you need to build high quality video with subtitle.

Can You Edit Your Ads On Facebook photo ads, also known as Facebook image ads, are a type of advertising format on the Facebook platform. These ads primarily rely on images to convey a message and engage the audience. They are part of Facebook’s advertising solutions and are commonly used by businesses and advertisers to promote their products, services, or content to a targeted audience on the social media platform.

Yes, Facebook gives you an amazing feature to edit the ad after publishing it

A Facebook Carousel Ad is like a digital slide show that appears in your Facebook or Instagram feed. Instead of just one picture or video, it shows a series of them that you can swipe or click through, like a little story. Each picture or video can have its own message, like “Buy Now” or “Learn More,” and you can use Carousel Ads to showcase multiple products or features in a single ad. They’re a creative way for businesses to get your attention and tell you more about what they offer.

Nowadays, Facebook is promoting Video, so right now video ads is working best in Facebook.

In Facebook Ads interview they can ask you a technical based question about pixel so a “pixel” in Facebook ads is like a special tracking tool. It’s a tiny piece of code that you put on your website. This tool helps you see what people do on your site after they click on your Facebook or Instagram ads.

Imagine it’s like having a detective that follows people after they see your ad. It tells you if they buy something, sign up for your newsletter, or do other stuff on your website.

With this detective (the pixel), you can figure out which ads work best and which ones need improvement. It also lets you show ads to people who visited your site but didn’t buy anything, which can help boost your sales.

So, in simple terms, a Facebook Pixel is like a secret agent that helps you understand and improve your advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Copywriting in Facebook ads refers to the process of crafting persuasive and engaging text that is used in the ad’s headline, ad copy, and call-to-action (CTA) to effectively communicate the message, capture the audience’s attention, and encourage them to take a specific action, such as clicking on the ad, visiting a website, making a purchase, or filling out a form.